— I`ve come close to death too many times and I`ve even died and come back to life. I have a close connection to animals, espacially direwolves and dragons. I`m a compassionate and loyal man, just ask my family. People used to call me a bastard, but now - The Targaryen Wolf.


  • Kingdom of the The North | Winterfell

    • Warden of the North | 304 AL-Present
      • Participated in strategic talks regarding the threat of the White Walkers and the light King.
      • Used personal charm to strengthen alliance with Queen Danacrys Targaryen.
    • King in the North | 303 AL- 304 AL
      • Led a coalition of over 500.000 Northerners and Free Folk to victory against House Bolton at the Bartle of the Bastards.
      • Forged an alliance with Danacrys Targaryen, securing access to over 20.000 lbs of Dragonglass reserves beneath Dragonstone.
      • Led expedition to capture a wight, in an effort to build consensus regarding the existence of the Night King.
      • Restored Stark rule and began rebuilding the North after its devastation during the War of the Five Kings.
  • The Night's Watch | Castle Black

    • Lord Commander | 302- AL- 303 Al
      • Negotiated improved relations between the Free Folk and the North, Offering land in exchange for protections.
      • Arose from the dead after being assassinated by a nativist faction of the Night's Watch.
      • Rescued a band of Free Folk from Hardhome where they were besieged by The Army of the Dead.
    • Brother of the Nights Watch | 300 AL- 302 AL
      • Organized the defense of Castle Black and withstood massive assault by Mance Rayder's coalition of Free Folk.
      • Defeated a band of Night's Watch mutincers, avenging the death of Lord Commander Jeor Mormont.
      • Infilerated the forces of Mance Rayder and gained valuable intelligence on the Wilding army.
    • Steward to Lord Commander Jeor Mormont | 298 AL-300 AL
      • Chosen as Steward to Lord Commander Mormont - an indication of leadership potential.
      • Killed a wight that was attacking Commander Mormont. Received Longelaw, a Valyrian steel blade as reward.
      • Assisted in cooking, cleaning, hunting, and message delivery which was vital to Castle Black's operations.


Dothraki, Valyrian, Common

Skills and interests

Weapon: Longclaw-Valyrian Steel Blade

Pets: Ghost(Direwolf)

Supernatural: Can Rise From the Dead


  • Self-resurrection and recovery
  • Army and battle-force acquisition
  • Diplomacy/gaining trust of allies
  • Deconstructing/evaluating war strategies


  • Killed a While Walker (just as shocked as you)
  • Rose from the dead (we will see how it pans out)
  • 998th Lord Commander
  • Cared for and raised a wolf (fed, castle trained, etc.)


Winterfell | 285 AL - 298 Al
Student of Maester Luwin & Ser Rodrick Cassel
  • Trained in various arms including bow and arrow, longsword, and close combat
  • Received a Highborn education studing statecraft, oration, military strategy, and Westerosi History


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